Wow! I have been so busy with birthdays, Christmas programs, Christmas shopping, gymnastics program, piano recitals, and parties! First, I want to thank everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes and presents and money. I hope I thanked everyone already but sometimes I think that my life is so crazy that I miss a few people. Anyway Thanks to everyone!!! I am attaching pictures of the kids at their various functions. Shandra had a first grade Christmas program, and of course it was the cutest! First graders are so fun to watch because some of them enjoy performing while others you can tell hate it, but they do it anyway. Very Cute! Daesha and Jerrick had their piano recital on Sunday the 14th. I was very proud of them. Daesha played 4 Christmas songs and she really enjoys the piano and I actually was surprised that Jerrick played Jolly old St Nickolas, because he hates performing and having all the attention on him. He did a great job. Shandra had her Christmas performance at gymnastics on Monday and it was cute. At the end of class she was able to show her skills to John. I go to class every week so I already know what she can do. That girl has no fear when it comes to gymnastics and she can barely take a step without adding a cartwheel or round off in between. I think everyone at home gets sick of her constantly doing gymnastics in the front room. Oh well! John and I were able to go to St. George on the 12 and spend the night without the kids it was a good night and we actually got a lot of shopping done for Christmas! The most exciting thing for the kids is that school was cancelled today because of the horrible weather in Las Vegas. It didn't snow here , but we had a lot of rain and mud! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and we will see everone in SLC the day after Christmas!!!