Hello! Well we are having a very busy April. Daesha is on the straight A honor roll and Jerrick is on the AB honor roll! Shandra is doing very well in Kindergarten. I can't believe this year is almost over! Daesha is doing well on her piano lessons and she is also playing softball. She enjoys it but puts a lot of pressure on herself to be perfect at everything, so if she gets out at baseball she is very upset. John and I try to tell her that she is doing great especially since she is the youngest girl on her team and it is her first year of actually playing when someone is pitching to her. She is getting ready to do her Chitagua in May and she has chosen Helen Keller, so I am busy looking for her costume now. If anyone has any 1920 clothes or shoes let me know. Daesha's teacher has adopted a baby girl and is out for the rest of the school year, so she has a substitute. All the kids are also getting ready for the May Day Dance on May 1st. Daesha's class does square dancing to cotton-eyed joe, and she has to have a boy partner so you can imagine the fun the third grade teachers are having with that! Daesha is especially proud of herself because this year at the fair she went on the kamakazi(which is the hammer like ride where you go around and hang upside down) I went with her and when we got off she said I didn't scream and I laughed because she probably screamed the loudest! Jerrick is working hard on his piano, he needs extra motivation to get practicing, but at least he enjoys going. He is a good little baseball player. I think he has a natural talent for all sports and he enjoys them. He did not want to ride the kiddie rides at the fair so he enjoyed the pirate ship, tornado, and super tilt. Of course he wanted to play the games and win silly little stuffed toys and prizes. He is doing well in school and in his reading. Shandra is having fun at kindergarten, She has made lots of new friends and her teacher thinks she is so sweet because she helps a little boy named Jonathan when he doesn't understand the directions. I think he reminds her of Jerrick and that is why she helps him. She is taking gymnastics and loving it. She is very limber and she follows the directions well, so she is usually the class leader because her teacher knows she is listining and will do what she is supposed to do. We will start Shandra in piano when she is in first grade so that she is reading a little better. She does pretty good sounding out words, and reading with help. So I am sure she will be ready to start piano in August. John is busy working! What's new huh? There is always something for him to do with the county plus he coaches Jerricks coach pitch team and helps Daesha's team and he is the President of our homeowners association. I am busy volunteering in classes on Monday Wednesday and Fridays, and starting in May I will be working more with the PTA teachers appreciation week and then as the treasurer of the PTA. So I keep pretty busy. That's about all for now! I will send more pictures of the May Day Dance!!!