Alittle blurry, but if you look closely you can see Daesha playing the glockenspiel(not sure about the spelling), but in english she is playing the xylaphone.

Making the dumplings for her buffet day treat! I was very happy she wanted to do it herself, instead of just having me cook them for her!

Display day! She kept the candy on her lap because she only wanted to give it to people she liked! I think she wanted to keep it for herself!

Music Day with her class! She was very embarassed that I came up and took a picture, but I couldn't see her during the program cause she hid behind her classmates.

Daesha in her lovely kimono!
Yeah! We are finished with our major school projects! Jerrick had a bug report on ants that he had to put together and present in front of his class! He did a good job considering that he really doesn't enjoy speaking in front of others! I should have taken pictures but I figured that would embarass him so maybe sometime when you are down here he could show you his poster and tell you all the interesting ant facts that he learned! Daesha's Japan report and displays were awesome! She got a perfect score!! Thanks sooo much Akiko for all the stuff you sent and the wonderful receipe! Daesha and John made the Mitarashi Dangos and they were very tasty! Everyone loved the kimono and of course all the candy was a big hit! Thank you to Grandma Brenda for sewing the flag!! It would have taken me days to even figure out how to load the bobbin! Above are some of the pictures of the activities for the 4th grade around the world program! On Wednesday was the music program and it was very cute listening to all the different music and to see the dancing. Thursday was display day, where the kids set up their country projects in the halls and everyone walked around and saw all the different countries, flags, and were asked questions about their countries. Friday was buffet day and all the 4th graders got to taste food from all over the world! Very fun, but glad it is over... only 3 1/2 days of school left....woohoo!!!