Shandra put on some pretty silver make-up for Jerricks party! The picture doesn't do her lovely silver eyes justice!
Wow! My little boy is getting so big! I can't believe how fast he is growing up!We had a transformer party for him on Monday and I think he had a good time. We started the party with free play until lunch, then ate and boy can boys eat a lot! Jerrick doesn't eat a lot so I was very surprised by how much some of them put away! After we got the presents out of the way and then had a war game of dodge ball with autobots against the deceptecons. I was very glead that John took charge of this game because it got a little wild for me, but the boys had fun! Then we played a game where each of the boys had a transformer pinned on their shirts and a bottle of silly string. If your transformer got hit by silly string you were out. It was fun but we went through a ton of silly string! After we had ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and then played some football until the boys went home. It is so funny how different boys and girls are because this was a very simple party , but they all had fun (hopefully). Jerrick will be baptized on February 7th at 4pm at the Stake Center so anyone who wants to come is welcome!